11 December 2022

Cogniconnect website is online

Site internet Cogniconnect by Ingenieweb stratégie de communication digitale

The Cogniconnect website is online

 After several weeks of close collaboration between Frédéric LAMBERTIN and the digital agency Ingenieweb, the Cogniconnect website has just gone into production.

Discover the Cognicube, a high-tech product whose industrial patent was issued in June 2022.

With the Cognicube, you evaluate and train the cognitive-motor skills of your different audiences and you create learning to develop them by optimizing the time of cognitive action: perception / analysis / decision. Thus you improve the time and relevance of the response.

Cognicube Évaluez et améliorez les compétences cognitivo-motrices de vos différents publics
joueur en situation cognicube by cogniconnect - Améliorer le temps de réaction cognitive et la pertinence de la réponse associée

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